Are you one of those people that think corporate or business golf is just a chance to get out of doing real work or taking an afternoon off? There is only two reasons people think like this; (1) they don’t play golf; and (2) they don’t really understand the opportunities and benefits associated with business golf.
Through corporate golf and SEQ Business Golf Group in particular, there are many opportunities to build your business and significantly increase turnover. Think about this; if there was one existing client or prospect that you would love to have the attention of for an afternoon, who would it be? If you could make it happen, what would be the benefit to your business, e.g. increased profit or turnover, new clients, career progression.
From personal experience, just this year alone I have met numerous new contacts through SEQ Business Golf Group. These new contacts may become clients, referral sources or provide assistance when I have a client related question. All of these have a positive impact on my business.
So what is it that makes Business Golf so powerful? The game of golf provides a wonderful insight into the key characteristics that make a person who they are. Characteristics such as honesty and integrity (or in some cases, the opposite) are on display for everyone to see. You will learn what makes them “tick”; maybe a bit about their family, what they like to do outside of work and a whole lot more. This is some of the most powerful information you can arm yourself with when looking to build a new or strengthen an existing relationship.
Over 18-holes, you will very quickly learn if a person is someone you want to do business with or someone you should avoid. If you are on the lookout, you will also identify the key selling point(s) that will have them buying more products or setting up a new account with you.
Through Business Golf Groups, we have seen first-hand business professionals establishing relationships worth a few thousand dollars up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. During our recent visit to Royal Pines I witnessed a member playing in their first event organising to do business with another member playing in their second event. It is great to see the increased discussions taking place between members and guests thorughout the afternoon.
There are a number of additional benefits and opportunities to understand when getting involved with Business Golf:
- Before you get involved with any Business Golf Group make sure you conduct your own due diligence; what are they promising and can they deliver on the promise? Talk to the organisers, conduct an online search and attend an upcoming event as a visitor to get a first-hand experience.
- Approach it like any other marketing activity. Although each event may vary, understand the reason you are entertaining clients or have a plan to meet new contacts; you must have an outcome you are looking to achieve to make it measurable.
- Taking part in a Business Golf activity to de-stress and get some perspective (take a step back) is also a very viable reason. Time and time again I come up with new ideas or improved processes while on the fairways and talking with my playing partners. In the past they have also helped to gain new perspective on a business issue without being aware of how they helped.
- It is a well publicised fact that you can double the size of your business just by working your database and existing contacts a littled harder. Is there an opportunity to take some existing clients out for the afternoon and educate them on some of the other offerings your business provides?
- You may look at an opportunity to sponsor an event to expedite the process of creating greater brand awareness and introducing yourself amongst the group. A sponsorship can help break the ice and make it far easier to speak with people at subsequent events. It is also a great opportunity to recruit new advocates and referral sources for your business.